Monday, 24 September 2012

Saving on Credit Card

Today my wife just cancelled her reward program credit card. Why you asked? Her reward program credit card costs $69 per year. I have the same reward credit card, so that's $69 x 2 per year in total cost. What we'll be doing is for me to apply an additional card for $9 for her. So saving of $60 [($69 x 2) - (69+9)] per year!

Note: She has her own credit card before we got married last year. In case you're thinking why didn't I thought of that before.

Since I've started on saving tips via credit card, I will list a few more:

  1. Use a reward program credit card - if you're going to pay your gas/electricity/water/insurance bills/grocery/petrol (and the lists go on), why not pay with your reward program. Our reward program credit card will give you a $20 shopping gift card for every $2000 spent on the card. We get at least $100 per year, so definitely more than our annual cost of $69/year.
  2. Pay on time. Never ever pay interest or the minimum required on your card! Always pay in full before the interest free days! These are the ultimate rule to save via reward program credit card. DO NOT get a credit card if you have a habit of not paying in full before the interest free days - use a debit card instead is my advice (at least you'll be spending money you have instead of spending borrowed money on interest)!
  3. Choose a credit card best suits you. I usually use Canstar to compare different credit cards. It is a good website for searching the best loan, credit card or banking account deals.

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